1828. On August 19th of 1828, Don Francisco and Don Domingo Ponsa Vallés register in the Guild of ribbon makers, with a ceremony held in the cathedral of Manresa. The family business begins on that date: it goes from knitting veils to the production of ribbons.
1974. An unusual practice among the ribbon makers which allows reducing costs and increasing quality. A diversification of products is proposed and a network of representatives is organized to explore new possibilities. The export begins in the 70s.
2001. The textile factory in China is inaugurated.
2009. A special manufacturing system which results in a sling much more resistant to abrasion and lateral cutting. THE PONSAGARD SLING lasts more than double.
1860. who was key to the evolution of this business.  They change from working for others to having own business. During this stage, with Teresa Casajuana at the helm, the company consolidates and modernizes: Its own factory is built. The looms are mechanized by electrical energy and, very important, weaving and selling of own production. His son Francisco Ponsa Casajuana (1865-1926) is responsible, over the years, for running the business. He has a single son; Juan Ponsa Llauradó (1898-1977).
1976. Industrias Ponsa is the first manufacturer in Europe to develop and sell single-use clover slings.
2003. The manufacture of safety nets and ropes is started.
2012. Products become part of the technology used in the Formula 1 equipment. In 2013, Industrias Ponsa develops and patents a new webbing for competition. Approved by the FIA and used by several manufacturers of racing cars.
1926. Around 1929, the company announces the manufacturing of silk, thread and cotton ribbons.The specialty of the company was the twill and percales, but after the Civil War the company specializes in motor tapes, espadrilles and twill. The factory grows and its products are distributed nationwide.
1992. The Olympic Games are held in Barcelona. In that same year Industrias Ponsa installs a new plant located in the ”Els Dolors” Industrial Estate. Modern with spacious facilities where function where the whole process is taken care of. From the yarn process to the looms, dying and finishing of different tapes. Besides this finished products such as ratchets, slings, etc. can be manufactured in house.
2005. A textile factory is inaugurated in Romania.
Actualidad. Our6 production centres are strategically chosen and located to distribute all over the world. Constantly  working on the improvement and innovation of products and fulfilling the expectations of our customers. Currently the company’s management is insured by the 6th generation of the PONSA family. 
1973.The production of tapes starts at the new facilities on Avenida Pirelli, 35 in Manresa.
1995. Join Venture en Trinidad.
2007. We open our facilities in Sweden.